Alpha Gamer Al sitting on a piece of paper that says, "No! Stay Strong, Al!"

The Types Of Games Most Likely To Tempt People To Alpha Game

Any game can tempt someone to alpha game. However, there are some types of games more likely to do this. So, what are the types of games most likely to tempt people to alpha game?

The types of games most likely to tempt people to alpha game are cooperative games, strategy games, and games with combat.

What Does It Mean To Alpha Game?

People have different definitions of what it means to be an alpha gamer. To help anchor the rest of this article, I’m going to put forth mine. In short, alpha gaming is when someone is trying to dominate a game experience. They may try to tell others what to do or manipulate them in some way. Regardless of the methods they use, it’s not a good time for anyone.

With that said, if you choose a different definition to go by, I fully support you in doing that. Do whatever works best for you!

Why “Tempt?”

Originally, when I wrote this article, I used the terms like “make” and “cause” instead of “tempt.” But “make” and “cause” felt off to me, insincere. 

Games don’t make anyone do anything. I suppose they can cause them to do something, but just like with the alpha gamer definition I provided above, I want to be as clear as possible with the language I’m using as well. 

I eventually settled on the word “tempt” because, to me, that’s what’s going on when a person alpha games while playing a certain type of board game. There are just some games that create situations where people are more likely to be tempted to alpha game. 

As with my definition, you may disagree, and I fully support you.

The Types Of Games Most Likely To Tempt People To Alpha Game

Before we get into this list, let’s also be clear that any game could tempt an alpha gamer to alpha game. Heck, any game could tempt someone who normally doesn’t alpha game to alpha game. It’s not always the games, either. Sometimes it’s the people that person is playing with, the time of day, the location, and so on.

However, there are some types of games that are more likely than others to tempt people to alpha game. Let’s start with the ones that always immediately come to mind when thinking of alpha gamers: cooperative games. 

Cooperative Games

Alpha Gamer Al sitting on top of the Escape: The Curse Of The Temple board game box.
Alpha Gamer Al and Escape!

Cooperative games are amazing. They’re a lot of fun to play, especially if you just want to sit down with friends and family and try to accomplish something together. In fact, some of my favorite games are cooperative games. Games like Horrified and Escape: Curse Of The Temple, for example.

However, cooperative games are also the games most likely to tempt someone to alpha game. When working together, some people naturally settle into leadership roles. What’s cool about cooperative games is that everyone can become a leader in their own way, whether that’s through handling certain tasks, making suggestions, or developing strategies.

But some people take that a little too far. They start overstepping others’ boundaries in an effort to help everyone win (or just to win in general). They tell others what to do far too much and get frustrated when those people don’t listen. And they create this pressure that others feel like they have to follow.

And the problem is the very nature of cooperative games provides justification for alpha gamers acting this way. They can always argue they’re just trying to help everyone out or that that’s the point of the game.

Strategy Games

Alpha Gamer Al sitting on top of the Battlelore 2nd Edition board game box.
Alpha Gamer Al and Battlelore 2nd Edition!

Almost all games require some level of strategy, but some are defined by using strategies. These are games such as Battlelore 2nd Edition, Scythe, and more. 

These are the types of games where you have to think out what you’re going to do. You have to study your options and plan ahead. That doesn’t mean it has to take you forever or that doing so will hurt your brain, but it does mean you’re going to be thinking about strategy more often than not. 

These games are ripe for alpha gamers to lend their strategy ideas to other players. As with cooperative games, there’s plenty of justification for this. Say someone sees another player struggling, seeming unsure of what to do, and making non-optimal choices. 

Naturally, people want to help. These are friends or family, after all. But just like with cooperative games, boundaries can be crossed. Maybe that player who’s struggling doesn’t want help, and even though that may be childish, they’re allowed to set that boundary. Or maybe they want help, but only when they ask for it. Or maybe they only want help the one time. 

Regardless of how they feel, they’re allowed to set boundaries around their agency in a game. But since so much information is visible in strategy games, just like in cooperative games, alpha gamers can see what others need to do to have the best game possible, and they may feel compelled to try to share that information with them, even if it’s not wanted.

Games With Combat

Alpha Gamer Al sitting on top of the Blood Rage board game box.
Alpha Gamer Al and Blood Rage!

Oh, combat, how I love you so. I mentioned Battlelore 2nd Edition earlier, which I played recently and is quickly becoming one of my favorite games, but I have loved combat games since I started playing board games. Ascension Tactics, Blood Rage, Rising Sun, I enjoy all of them and more. 

However, combat games can tempt people to alpha game. Often, combat games are also strategy games, tasking players with determining the best way to outsmart or defeat their opponents. Often, a lot of information is visible, and often alpha gamers may want to help other players so the contest is more fair or to just be helpful.

Unfortunately, as with the other entries on this list, that can overstep certain boundaries and lead to alpha gaming.

Did You Know?

(Each time you refresh the page you will get a new “Did You Know” fact!)

Did you know that the biggest board game convention in the world is in Germany? It’s called Internationale Spieltage SPIEL but is usually called Essen Game Fair. It takes place in Essen, Germany, and features over 1,000 exhibitors from lots of countries. It has also regularly had over 100,000, or sometimes over 200,000 people attend.

Conclusion: The Types Of Games Most Likely To Tempt People To Alpha Game

Ultimately, as I mentioned earlier, any game can tempt somebody to alpha game. It’s not the games themselves, it’s the people playing them. The good news is anyone can stop being an alpha gamer if they want to be. All it requires is a little change in perspective and some practice, and they’re good to go.

So, what do you think about the types of games most likely to make people alpha game? Do you have some more ideas? Let me know in the comments below!

And, as always, keep on gaming, fellow board gamers.



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