Alpha gaming is not a good time. It’s a shame when it happens, and it ruins board games. But why does alpha gaming ruin board games?
Alpha gaming ruins board games because it infringes upon people’s agency, makes people feel bad, makes others feel like they have to alpha game, and leads to conflict.
Table of Contents
What Is An Alpha Gamer?
As I have with all my other articles on alpha gamers and alpha gaming, I’m going to start with a definition of what an alpha gamer is. This puts us all on the same page. Even if you’d prefer to use your own definition, which is fine with me, this will give you a good idea of where I’m coming from.
With that said, here’s my definition of an alpha gamer. Basically, an alpha gamer is someone who wants to dominate what’s going on in a game. This can take different forms, such as telling others what to do or trying to manipulate them in some way. Regardless of the form it takes though, it definitely ruins the board game experience.
Why Does Alpha Gaming Ruin Board Games?
There are quite a few reasons why alpha gamers ruin board games. Let’s start with the first reason, which is that alpha gaming infringes upon people’s agency when playing board games.
It Infringes Upon People’s Agency
What I mean by people’s agency is their ability to make their own decisions and to influence their turns and the game’s outcome on their own terms. Imagine, for example, if someone kept telling you what to do in a board game. It would be extremely frustrating because it makes you feel like they think you’re incompetent.
It also makes you question why you’re even playing the game in the first place. At that point, you simply become a vessel for someone else’s decision-making process, which no one should have to ever feel, especially when playing a board game.
It Makes People Feel Bad
This goes along with infringing upon people’s agency, but alpha gaming just plain makes people feel bad. In fact, it can not only make them feel bad about playing the game, it can also make them feel bad about themselves too.
Imagine if you were playing with someone who legitimately thought they had to help you with every turn or even with lots of turns. How would that make you feel? Or imagine if someone kept trying to tell you what to do in a game all the time? You may not feel bad in the traditional sense, but you’d certainly have bad feelings, such as frustration or even outright anger.
Alpha Gaming Makes Others Feel Like They Have To Alpha Game Too
Another way alpha gaming ruins board games is that it makes other people feel like they have to alpha game too. Imagine if someone is constantly trying to tell you what to do or how to play the game. Maybe they’re not being mean about it. Maybe they’re just trying to help, but that doesn’t make you feel any less like they’re infringing on your space.
So, maybe you turn to alpha gaming to stop them. In essence, you’re fighting fire with fire. And you may feel like that’s your only way to fight that fire. To declare your territory, you have to infringe on another’s territory. You have to tell people what to do, namely the people who are trying to tell you what to do. And this, in turn, can lead to conflict.
It Leads To Conflict
There will come a time in every alpha gamer’s life where someone will stand up to them. It may not be quite so dramatic as that suggests, though. It may be as simple as standing up and walking away from the game or refusing to do as the alpha gamer is telling them to do.
Whatever form the resistance takes, it will happen. And when it happens, that frustrates an alpha gamer. The player who is resisting or fighting back is probably also already frustrated. Everyone has their breaking point, and when that happens, conflict can break out.
Arguing can and will happen in board games, but it doesn’t have to be fueled by frustration or other bad feelings. But when it is, it takes away from the experience of the board game, and it can ruin it altogether.
Does Alpha Gaming Always Ruin Board Games?
No, not always. Not all alpha gamers are unwilling to listen to reason, and some alpha gamers will realize what they’re doing and stop. In other words, alpha gamers are not bad people, they’re just gamers who are gaming a certain way. The hope is they’ll be willing to change, whether on their own or with others, and they definitely can. I’m living proof of that.
Did You Know?
(Each time you refresh the page you will get a new “Did You Know” fact!)
Did you know some of the items in Clue aren’t actually weapons? What do I mean? To find out, check out this article here!
Conclusion: Why Alpha Gaming Ruins Board Games
So, those are the reasons alpha gaming ruins board games. It’s a shame it exists in such a wonderful, wholesome hobby, but it happens. It can be changed though, and it’s great when it does.
What do you think about alpha gaming ruining board games? Did I miss a reason? Let me know in the comments below!
And, as always, keep on gaming, fellow board gamers.
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