An open box with the components of Let's Dig For Treasure.

How To Play Let’s Dig For Treasure

Wanting to play Let’s Dig For Treasure but need to know how to? We’ve got you covered with our explanations! Take a look.

Let’s Dig For Treasure is played until one of the three stacks of cards (shuffled and created at the beginning of the game) runs out. On a player’s turn, they draw a card from one of the stacks, do what it says, then they can either end their turn and keep the card or draw another one from any of the stacks. If they draw the wrong card, their turn is over and they keep nothing. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Back-Of-The-Box Facts About Let’s Dig For Treasure

  • Player Count: 2-5
  • Time To Play: 10-20 minutes
  • Age Range: 12 and up
  • Difficulty: Beginner/Easy
  • Price Range: $15-$25
  • Release Year: 2021
  • Publisher(s): Cryptozoic Entertainment
  • Designer(s): Ben Stoll
  • Artist(s): Steven Rhodes
  • Where To Buy: AmazonCryptozoic Entertainment

How To Play Let’s Dig For Treasure

Let’s Dig For Treasure is an easy-to-play, push-your-luck game designed to let casual board game players experience board game mechanics in a fun, simple way. Plus, it’s a great way to show off Steven Rhodes’ art.

Let’s start with setting the game up.


Three stacks of Let's Dig For Treasure cards, showing setup of the game.
Yep, this is all you have to do for setup. Pretty sure those stacks are even…pretty sure.

Let’s Dig For Treasure comes with 120 cards and a rulebook. That’s it.

To set up, one player (or more likely two) shuffles all the cards together, then lays them out in three 40-card stacks that are face down. Having done that, you’re ready to play Let’s Dig For Treasure.

What To Do On Your Turn

A picture of a Let's Dig For Treasure game in progress, with a card drawn.
Not a bad draw here. It’s better to get a low-point card than a bad one!

On your turn, you will always draw a card from any of the three stacks. It’s your choice which one you draw from.

If the card you draw says, “When You Dig This Up,” do what the card says. Otherwise, the card does nothing for now.

Now, you have two choices to make. Do you end your turn and keep the card? Or do you draw another from one of the three stacks?

Drawing more cards can get you more points, but if you draw the wrong card, your turn is over and you don’t get to keep any of the cards you drew.

Players keep alternating turns until the game is over.

How To Win/End The Game

Let’s Dig For Treasure ends when one of the three stacks of cards runs out of cards. Afterward, all players count up the points on the cards they were able to keep. The player with the most wins. If there’s a tie, both players win!

And that is how you play Let’s Dig For Treasure.

Did You Know?

(Each time you refresh the page you will get a new “Did You Know” fact!)

Did you know that making board game nights work when kids are there is easy and fun? Well, if you’re interested in some tips, head on over here!

Conclusion: Let’s Dig For Treasure

So, what do you think? I quite like this little card game. It’s got a fun, spooky aesthetic with unique art and simple but fun gameplay. I hope you feel the same.

So, let me know your thoughts and why in the comments below!

And, as always, keep on gaming, fellow board gamers.


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