Ever hear of alpha gaming and wonder just how did alpha gaming get its name? Well, this is how!
Alpha gaming got its name because of how the behavior of an alpha gamer resembles the behavior of someone or something being an “alpha.” Namely, this refers to trying to dominate a space. In this case, that refers to trying to dominate a board game experience.
Table of Contents
What Is Alpha Gaming?
So, if you’ve read anything else I’ve written about alpha gaming, you’ll know what’s coming now. However, it’s always important to start off by making sure everyone’s on the same page. So, without any further ado, here’s my definition of alpha gaming:
Alpha gaming is when someone tries to dominate what’s happening in a game. This may mean they tell others what to do or manipulate them in some way.
By the way, if you’re not a fan of that definition and would prefer to use another, that’s completely fine with me. Whatever works for you is what you should use, and I fully support that.
Now, let’s get to how alpha gaming got its name.
How Did Alpha Gaming Get Its Name?

This is a pretty straightforward answer, but it’s also one that will still require some explanation. The simple part is that alpha gaming got its name because alpha refers to a dominant being within a particular space. So, you have your alpha wolves, for example, the leaders of the pack.
You also have “alpha males,” which is not a thing and shouldn’t be treated as such.
You also have alpha gaming, which is a thing and should be treated as such. Alpha gaming is a real thing, and it got its name from board game players who try to dominate the game session. This usually happens in cooperative games, but it can happen while playing any board game in any board game setting, and it can take many different forms too.
For example, an alpha gamer could be a person who tells everyone what to do, or they could be a person who complains a lot when things aren’t going their way. They could also be a person who does both of those things and more.
In short, an alpha gamer is someone who tries to control how a game is going, although their methods for doing so may vary.
Ultimately, alpha gaming got its name because of these people, and it’s a short, simple way to point this behavior out when someone does it.
How Big Of A Problem Is Alpha Gaming?
I doubt there are any studies on alpha gaming and how big of a problem it is. From my own experiences, I used to be an alpha gamer, and I knew of at least one another. There were two others who would alpha game every now and then, but not terribly often. Other than that, I didn’t run into any alpha gamers or alpha gaming problems.
And, thankfully, I recovered from being an alpha gamer.
So, if you tally up everyone I’ve played a board game with, which, at a rough estimate, is about 50-70 different people, the percentage of alpha gamers or alpha gaming situations is very low.
This is a good thing!
Your experiences may vary from mine, but being able to see those numbers laid out so clearly is heartening for me. And it’s one of the great things about board gaming in general. The vast majority of people are just out to have a good time and play games with friends, family, and sometimes with people they just met, such as those at conventions. Board games are wholesome and bring people together instead of tear them apart.
Well, most of them. Here’s looking at you, Monopoly and Risk.
Should You Worry About Alpha Gaming?
You should only worry about alpha gaming if it happens. If everyone at your table, including you, is having a good time, then chances are you don’t have an alpha gaming problem.
If you do have an alpha gamer in your group, there are ways you can handle that situation, including being very direct with them about it if you feel that’s necessary.
But, on the whole, most of your board game experiences will be enjoyable ones without alpha gamers.
Did You Know?
(Each time you refresh the page you will get a new “Did You Know” fact!)
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Conclusion: How Did Alpha Gaming Get Its Name?
So, that’s how alpha gaming got its name. I sincerely hope you never have to deal with that situation. If you do, again, just know it can be changed for the better.
What do you think about how alpha gaming got its name? Do you have something to add that I forgot? Let me know in the comments below!
And, as always, keep on gaming, fellow board gamers.
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