Ever heard someone talk about a filler game but have no idea what they meant? Well, worry no more because today I’m going to answer the question, “What is a filler game?” So, what is it?
A filler game is a game that takes 30 minutes or less to play and is easy to teach, learn, and set up. They are typically used as a warmup to bigger games, a break between them, or a way to close out a game night. They are called filler games because they fill spots other games can’t.
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The Goal Of This Article
When it comes to board games, there can be a lot of terminologies that can be confusing for those new to the hobby. Today, my goal is to help you to understand at least one more term than before. After all, I want more people in the hobby.
It’s a great hobby, and everyone should feel welcome. So, let’s get to it!
What Is A Filler Game?
A good “filler game” definition starts with the word, “easy.” “Easy” as in “easy to teach,” “easy to learn,” “easy to set up,” and “easy to play.” If a game checks off all these boxes, then it could very well be a filler game.
But let’s get more specific, shall we? There are lots of games that can check off those boxes that might not be a filler game. For example, Fireball Island fits all of those (except maybe the setup part), but it is not a filler game. So, why not?
Well, in Fireball Island’s case that’s not just because of the setup but also because it takes a little too long to play to be a filler game.
Okay, so then filler games have to be short? Yes, they do. How short though?
How Short Do They Have To Be?
This is where defining these types of games starts to get tricky. Since every game group is a little different, how long a filler game needs to be or should be will be different. Although I don’t think most game groups would consider Fireball Island to be this type of game (although I’m willing to believe I’m wrong on that), they might consider games like Queendomino to be one.
Personally, I think most filler games should be no more than 30 minutes, but some might argue they could go up to an hour, and I’m fine with that. Some filler games may very well take that long just by chance anyway. One example is Splendor (yes, I think Splendor can fall in this category).
So, filler games are easy in all senses of the word, and don’t take up much time, but is there anything else? Not really, although I would add that most filler games tend to come in smaller boxes too. Just something to keep in mind.
Why Is It Called A Filler Game?
So, filler games are called that because they’re great for filling spots in gaming that other games can’t fill. For example, you wouldn’t usually open a board game night with Mansions Of Madness Second Edition or even a game like Mysterium. You could do that, there’s nothing wrong with that, but that can come with some problems too.
When Do I Play A Filler Game?
Filler games are great for warming people up so that when it’s time to play the big main games of the evening, they’re good to go. You also wouldn’t usually play one big game right after another, so filler games are good at providing a break between games. They are are also good at closing a game night out.
In many ways, a board game night (or day) is like a multi-course meal. You can get creative with it, but there’s something to be said for a certain structure that helps people to have a great experience all the way through.
You can also play these games when you’re short on time but still want to play a game. Maybe you and your partner have just put the kids to bed and want to play something real quick before your own bedtime. Filler games are great for this!
By the way, “filler game” is by no means an insult to games. There’s a very real need for filler games and they’re a most-welcome part of the hobby.
Also, even though filler games are called filler games, you can play them whenever you want. Spend a whole night playing filler games if you want to. That’s another great part of board gaming is that it’s up to you how you play!
What Are Some Good Filler Games?
There are tons of filler games out there. Tons! I have a big list of them here along with overviews of their gameplay, but here are a few more to get you started:
- Camel Up
- Exploding Kittens
- The Crew: Quest For Planet Nine and The Crew: Mission Deep Sea
- The Mind
- 5-Minute Dungeon
- Just One
- Santorini
- Kingdomino
- Deception: Murder In Hong Kong
- Onitama
- Sushi Go Party
- No Thanks
Did You Know?
(Each time you refresh the page you will get a new “Did You Know” fact!)
Did you know that Clue was made in 1947 and was created by Anthony Pratt during World War II? He did it to pass the time during air-raid blackouts. Air-raid blackouts were the practice of shutting everything off to make it as hard as possible for bombers to hit their targets.
Conclusion: What Is A Filler Game?
So, there you have it, an answer to what a filler game is. I love filler games myself. As someone whose life is increasingly short on time and whose friends’ lives are the same, filler games are great ways to unwind and relax from a hard week. Hey, that’s another use for them. Way to go, filler games!
Haha, anyway, how do you plan on using filler games when you get together with friends and family? I’d love to hear your thoughts and why in the comments below!
And, as always, keep on gaming, you maniacs.
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